New Year, New Things \\ 2015

Happy new year, to you, you party animal! Welcome to the new and improved blog of 'richelledaily!' Obviously this is a new year, the year of 2015 and I believed in my heart, mind and soul that this was the perfect time to start things over. So here I am, in 2015, starting things over (aka this blog)!! I am so excited for what this year has in store! Aren't you? 

There are so many things that I aspire to accomplish this year. Personally for me, as I enter a new year I always feel as if it is time to clean the slate and just rejuvenate my well being, because who doesn't want to enter the new year feeling more alive and well than ever?!! May sound a tad bit cliche, but hey, whatever gets me going! "Hater's gonna hate and ainters gonna ain't." Right, James Franco? So on to the real reason why you opened my blog, here's a taste of what my New Years was like!!!

Soooooo... while everyone else on this planet was either getting drunk, at NYE Countdown, in Vegas or at some garage party; I spent New Year's Eve at the one place I love being the most... Church!! And I wouldn't have ended 2014 anywhere else but with some of my favorite people! New Years Eve at Church? A shocking sentence, I know, but you don't really KNOW until you've been to my Church for NYE! We're the real party animals, I tell you that. Haha just kidding, but it is always a good time with the Church Family. 

From going around Church sharing what each and every one of us were thankful for in the year 2014 to devouring the arroz caldo (Filipino chicken rice porridge) to yelling at each other to guess what movie line it is and to throwing confetti everywhere and jumping all around once the clock hit midnight! This was really a happy happy new year for all of us! I am just so blessed to be a part of this Church and this upcoming year marks my 5th year on being here and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. 

Overlooking 2 0 1 4 :

2014 was not the best year ever nor was it the worst year ever. It was the year where I found myself being satisfied with almost completely everything. 2014 was a year of memories, not wanting to grow up, and laughing until your stomach hurt. It was that type of year for me. Graduating high school, having a debut (18th birthday), entering college, getting my first job -- all of that shenangins, man, 2014 really was the year that tugged at me that it was time to grow up. I did not want to let go of that, but hey, that is what happens. Time really does not stop for anyone. And I have to say, 2014 may not have been MY year, but it was a pretty darn good year and I do not regret one thing I did this year. God really tested me this year and I know there were many times when I have failed Him and didn't stay true to His promises, but that is the point of His lesson. To have us struggle, so that we can see the brighter side of life. So that His promises can be true in our eyes. God truly continues to work in mysterious ways in my life and I am forever blessed and grateful for His word!

ONWARD TO 2 0 1 5:

It's the first day of 2015! Who knows what this year may hold? It's exciting and frightening at the same time and I love it so much! I just know that I really want to do better this year. And when I say 'better,' I mean in my personal relationships with others and spiritual relationship with the One and Only. Entering this new year with a positive mind and attitude! Pushing towards what really matters and learning to focus on the good rather than the bad! I think that needs to be my mantra for the year:

"focus on the good in life rather than the bad"

So cheers to new beginnings! It is never too late to start over, because you never know what new things can come at you! Don't be afraid to do what you want to do and don't be afraid to love what you want to love. Forget what others think and do whatever the heck makes you feel good! Honestly I think that SHOULD be my mantra! Haha, "do what pleases you." Let 2015 be the year of taking a stab at new things and discovering what you're passionate about. Maybe I'm not talking to you, maybe I'm really just talking to myself when I say this, hahaha but really guys! A new year is always a good time to start over. Start fresh. Start clean. Happy New Year, guys and my new year's wish for you is to just simply be you :)

Thanks for reading guys! 
Stay tuned for my next post
'Til next time y'all,

*(pictures are all courtesy of Faith's camera, except the selfies of course hehehe)

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